New additions!
Our new arrivals were rescued one week ago. An unfortunate event with the mother trying to cross the road lead to two starving three week old kittens being abandoned. Luckily, my daughters friend, Rob, called and asked what to do. So Jen and Melissa left for just a short while, returning with two crying, scrawny kittens, both thin after two days without their mother.
For the past week, we have taken turns feeding them watered down baby formula with an eye dropper. Both had infected eyes, the white one's was bulging out of the socket. A quick call was made to my friend Fran, the vet, who met me at the clinic on a Sunday afternoon to provide medicine. OK, so we are also giving amoxicillin and eye salve at a minor expense. But, it is working with the eyes clearing up, and the appetite growing. They now walk, run, play, and meow louder. They are even learning what a litter box is. Bailey (right) is still judging their existence, but coming around. Seems his fur confuses the kittens, thinking he might be their mother. He takes it in stride, but escapes to the top of the couch for peace.
During the past week, the girls and I spent three days in the Adirondacks to do some white water rafting. And so, the kittens have taken their first road trip. It was great to be back in such a peaceful place. I always miss the area. This time we stayed in North Creek, a the Inn at Gore Mt. and took the rafting trip through Beaver Brook Outfitters. This was our second time with the group, and always a terrific trip. They are great folks, making certain that everyone is outfitted with shoes, wind breaker, life jacket, helmet, and paddle, as well as lunch on the way, and dinner back at the Inn. And they always have a photographer kayak ahead to take pictures. Next time I will try to add rafting pictures.
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