Rube's Cube
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Kristina disaster!
A catastrophe above any other seen on this content during civilized time, that stretches beyond the imagination, man power and resources of our nation. How courageous of those who have endured and survived. I have given and urge all others to give money to those organizations, such as the Red Cross, to provide emergency provisions and medical support.
Cherkoff, the Secretary of Home Land Security, was put on the defensive this morning,in a live TV interview with Tim Russert. He skirted the issue by maintaining a defensive approach that he followed pre-established emergency plans, and would worry about mistakes later. Pardon me, but it seems that when one plans doesn't provide the level of emergency care and preparation for such a wide spread emergency, then a change in plans is due. If you knew the ground was going to fall out from under you, would you decide to stand squarely on the ground in a braced stance or get the hell out of there? Seems they did little to shore up the levees ahead of time or force an evacuation, when a level 5 hurricane was predicted. As my daughter reminded me this morning, Bush had a choice long ago to either put millions into rebuilding stronger levees in New Orleans or build a multimillion dollar bridge to connect to an island nearer oil pockets in remote Alaska. He choose the bridge. And thousands died as a result of his decision.