Thursday, May 05, 2005

Happy Spring

Yeah it is finally Spring.

Sunday, May 01, 2005


Today, I completed the final edition of my community concept paper. What a relief when I hit the "send a file" button. I don't know why after 30 years of college courses, it is always such a relief to turn in a final project or paper. I don't believe for a minute I would fail.

It seems that so many hours of preparing, writing, rewriting, and all the minut details muddies up the overall work. But I will admit, the moment I sent it, a sense of fret struck me, thinking I could have done more. Then remembering the overwelming work hours and travel lately, and all the basketball and softball games this winter and spring, I was ready to let it go.

So here's to finishing the work for another grad. course.
Now I can try to mow that overgrown lawn.